Flight of the Spark was written by Evelyn Puerto and published by Open Water Books in 2020. You can purchase it on Amazon/Kindle and you can visit the author on Amazon and on social media.
This is a beautiful dystopian tale that examines cultures and love, and what we will do and not do, in our pursuit of happiness.
Iskra lives in a place and time where the citizens and the leaders within her country put safety above all else. But what is the cost of living in a place where even swimming is frowned upon because of the dangers involved? When Iskra is rescued from a gang of bandits, by someone outside of her country, a person who her village deems as being one of a group of outlaws- she soon discovers that what her country and village has told her was based on lies. As this so-called outlaw introduces her to his family, a loving and happy family surrounded by luxuries she never knew before, she begins to take risks that open her up to new freedoms she never believed existed. She falls in love with this man but there is a cost. Her country and her village and her own mother forbid that she involves herself with these "barbarians." Iskra soon realizes that the people she once loved and respected and who she totally believed in are now her enemies. They have now made plans to destroy her. Iskra must now choose the life she wants to live, even if it becomes unbearable and deadly, it's still a risk she must take to pursue her happiness and freedom, and to be with the man she loves. Described as a young adult epic fantasy, a first installment of a three-part series, this dystopian tale had me hooked from the beginning. The author developed characters that were compelling and interesting and the world she created had a lot of similarities to our own, in that it highlighted how different cultures and people can often get caught up in politics and propaganda, which is frequently far from reality. Sometimes when love is injected into the equation, a separation occurs and there is no looking back or believing in the ways that you have held faith in your whole life. This is a beautiful dystopian tale that examines cultures and love, and what we will do and not do, in our pursuit of happiness. I loved Flight of the Spark!
I give Flight of the Spark 4 out of 5 stars.
Evelyn Puerto is a scheduled guest on The Writers Lounge Blog Talk Radio Show #135 on March 20, 2023.